Sunday, September 1, 2013

Arabian Portrait

Arabian Portrait
Oil on panel, 6x6
Civil War Paint-Out
This proud arabian horse was just begging to be painted.  One of those beautiful horses brought over for the civil war reenactment, his coloring is perfect for the late summer colors of the yard.  He is so proud, and has such wonderful conformation, there are several paintings I have lined out with this little beauty front and center.  My time is limited today, so I am working small - 6x6.  I'm a bit worn out with the back-to-back sleepovers this weekend, so I am also working simple - just a head shot.  Again, I am using the sienna wash, but I am actually missing the bold underpainting of yesterday!  This is painting number 241 in as many days, and Day 1 for Leslie Saeta's newest 30 day painting challenge.  Yes - this is the challenge that started this whole daily painting adventure for me back in January!