Thursday, July 21, 2016

Light on the Trees

Every day, as the sun pushes into the "golden hour", I am drawn to this place.  It is just to the northeast of the lawn between the pasture and the yard.   It used to be the old barn lot, when I was young.  I am mesmerized by the sunlight hitting the trees from the west, and I find myself painting it again.  I know I've done it before, but it's pull is strong, and I must submit!   This may be for me what the lily pads were for Monet.  One day, I may have a dozen paintings of this exact scene in all different seasons.  It is also alluring in the early morning, when the light cuts in from behind the trees, and there is a little clearing right in the middle,  where I could spend all day painting in the shade.  This painting makes 1296 in 1296 days :)

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