Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Near Rainbow Falls


I wish I could paint ALL of the Smokey Mountain waterfalls!  I definitely need more painting time in this Great Smoky Mountain National Park!  Michael and I paused long enough for a quick sketch with a wash of color. Thinking this was the top, we didn't round the corner to see the majesty beyond. I returned the next day, but painted lower on the trail. I just couldn't do it without him.  I hope to hike to the top with Michael next time we're here, and paint the glorious falls then.  Painting number 5133 in 5133 days. 

Monday, March 24, 2025

Rainbow Falls Trail

The gorgeous views along this trail are numerous, especially in the bottom half.  Every side trail to the water was spectacular, especially this time of year.  The trees have only begun to leaf out, so the water  and mountain views are nearly unobstructed. I don't think I'd see the light coming over the mountain in dense foliage. I pack light gear when hiking, contained in a two water bottle camp bag that I can easily carry.  Pens, paper, mini watercolor half pans, water brush pens, a paper towel and my sketchbook are all i need.  And my water bottle clips onto the strap.  I'm so happy I'm here to paint the sunrise!  

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Cataract Falls Inked


I love working on my pen and ink waterfall skills in my travel sketchbook! Cataract Falls is so inspiring, and a challenge in black and white.  This paper is rough and resistant to my Pitt pens .5 and larger, but the. 1 seems to glide normally.  So, I lightly sketch in the shapes, going back with my fountain pen.  I darkened the darks with that pen and added a little water to add depth.  Mike is walking towards Alan, Gus and Quinn as they look into the mesmerizing water.  What a great day to capture in my sketchbook.  Painting number 5131 in 5131 days. 

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Beside Rainbow Falls


Why do the slippery boulders have the best views? I had to wedge my easel into crevices for this painting, carful to position the legs in such a way that they would not plunge into the cascading water below.  I could only back up one step, where a substantial root created a little foothold to catch me from sliding off.  I could carefully back away to check my progress by stepping back to the left - around that giant boulder.  So, I only checked three times, choosing safety first!  Lol, as I perch over the water to paint..... and loved every minute of it!  Painting number 5130 in 5130 days. 

Friday, March 21, 2025

Cabin in the Woods


I LOVE sketching in the early morning light to the music of birdsong!  This cabin has been such a fun place to stay with Tyler's family for spring break.  It would have been even better if Tiffany's family stayed close enough to gather at night.  The road between us was treacherous and no-one wanted to try that after dark again!  Painting number   5129 in 5129 days. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Along Rainbow Falls Trail

Yesterday, Michael and I hiked this trail to the falls, where I quickly sketched in my travel journal. We jogged down as much of the trail as possible in order to get back to the cabin to leave for a family fun day at Dollywood.  At least 10 spots along the way BEGGED to be painted, and I simply did not have the luxury of time.  So, when Tyler and Hannah mentioned a sunrise hike for this morning - I joined them with my paint gear!  What an absolute joy it is to spend the early morning hours along the Rainbow Falls trail!  Tiffany and Alan stopped by on their way up and I was able to finish two paintings before Tyler and Hannah returned.  It FEELS SO GOOD to paint waterfalls in this Smoky Mountain National Park in oils!  A trip is not complete if I don't paint the landscape in oils.  Painting number 5128 in 5128 days. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Path to the Cabin


I just couldn't resist sketching the winding path to our cabin in pen and ink!  I love the wilderness of it all! As I worked, I heard the strangest animal sound coming from the end of that path.  After our son saw a bobcat on his way out this morning, I looked up their sounds.  Sure enough - that's what I heard as I sketched!  I love the rugged beauty and the immersion in a brand new place!  I wonder what I'll hear or see next?! Painting number 5127 in 5127 days. 

Monday, March 17, 2025

Cataract Falls


Here with family, this is the first day of sketching waterfalls in the Smoky Mountain National Park! Cataract Falls is on the trail behind the Sugarlands Welcome Center, and i could not resist a quick sketch in my travel journal.  With only essential, pared down supplies, I very quick sketch this scene while the kids are playing, adding a little paint as they finish and start the return hike.  Michael stayed with me as i wrapped it up.  Sketching on family vacations is the absolute best training for fast painting!  Everyone is in a hurry and ice only got minutes to paint.  I'm trying to make every minute count! Painting number 5125 in 5125 days. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025


This clump of daffodils is normally my very first to bloom, and I have them down by the road and up by the windmill.  This year, they have bloomed second to the large clump in my front porch garden.  On this morning of very little time, I still have enough time for a miniature painting. What better to paint than cheerful yellow blooms?  Painting number 5123 in 5123 days. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

First Daffodils

These first daffodils greeted me by the front porch this morning, blooming abundantly!  Normally one or two will open up first on the cellar or under the windmill, before these.  What a sunny surprise it was to find a while bouquet - so I HAD to paint them!  This is a journal i bought at a local shop right before the holidays, and I am just getting to know it.  The cotton paper is very soft, and rather resistant to my watercolors.  So, I must load the brush a little heavier and use a bit more water, to work into that sizing on the page.  The leather cover is lovely, with leaves on a branch adorning it. My plan is to use this journal for my nature studies and lovelies in my garden. Who knows where the pages will lead me?  Painting number 5122 in 5122 days. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Oldsmar Beach


I'm sketching the reaching trees of Oldsmar Beach in my journal tonight, and looking forward to sketching mountains soon.  Getting to spend time in nature like this is so very rewarding.  Sitting on the beach, feeling the warmth of the sun as it casts shadows across the sand, is therapeutic.  Cares of the day melt away as pen glides over paper, and words spill out describing my day. Studying the colors brings on a childlike wonder, how beautiful is the sparkle of water.  I am missing my friend, and remembering her, as I work through the pages of this journal.  How very healing it feels.  Painting number 5121 in 5121 days. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

North Side of Howard Beach


The white sand of Howard Beach is one of my favorite things to paint in Tarpon Springs! This north side is quiet and narrow, a perfect place for reflection and solitude.  A fisherman walked far from the beach and the water was only up to his knees.  It's a great place to look for little creatures in the water, because the water is so very clear. I'll think of these beaches all year long until I return again to paint them.  Painting number 5120 in 5120 days. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Starkey Park


I love painting the coots in this marshy area in Starkey Park!  There was a good sized alligator by the distant grass when I arrived, but he was not to be seen when I again looked for him.  My brother loves to ride his bike in this park as my nephew hikes.  There are several viewing areas from which to bird watch, each stretching out into the water a bit.  Mom likes to watch the wildlife as water birds fly in and out, never paying attention to us.  Two other ducks were parading along with tiny ducklings much further away, and I couldn't help but look for that alligator again.  Again, my mind is on my dear friend, who will not be able to share such moments with her family now.  How can it be when it seems so wrong?  Once again, I think my practice is daily painting is good therapy, in all the seasons of life.  Painting number 5119 in 5119 days. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Peter and Etta Koch House - Inked

I am using a brand new piece of artisan handmade, hand-dyed paper for this pen and ink drawing. Sketching the historic Peter and Etta Koch home (also know as the Livingston home) at Hot Springs, Texas, is a super fun adventure!  The paper is a little resistant, and when the ink gets wet it spreads out and weakens in strength more than usual.  So, I am going over my lines multiple times and even pulling out my India ink for those darkest darks.  Each package of hand tied paper comes with a photo of the artist and a printed memo about them.  It's interesting to read their story and I like supporting another artist.  I like the lighter color of this paper compared to my others. I wonder how it will accept watercolor?  I'll have to try that another day!  Painting number 5118 in 5118 days. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Cypress of Brooker Creek


A sketchbook is more than a place to capture the beauty as I travel.  It can be a trusted friend for my hopes, dreams, and tears at the loss of a dear friend.  We were high school friends, dancing together as Shawnee Mission West Vikettes just yesterday, it seems, and now she isn't here.  She was a kindred spirit, and always the sweetest soul, ever kind and thoughtful.  We had so much fun back then, and she even stood up for me as my Maid of Honor as Mike and I married all those years ago. As our families grew, we had less time to talk.  I thought there would be plenty of time. I thought we'd grow old together, sharing family tales over hot tea and glasses of wine.  Susan was so young.  There was so much more life for her to live.  I can only lift her family up in prayer, and it doesn't seem like enough.  Live every moment with purpose, hug every family member each time you see them, and tell everyone in your life what they mean to you.  Cherish. Every. Moment.  Painting number 5117 in 5117 days. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Hammocks at Sunset


I like to paint on the beach as much as possible when in Florida. As sunset approaches, locals walk, bike or drive to the beaches just to watch the sun set. Then, just as quickly as they arrived, they pack up their gear and are headed out before it gets dark.  I love watching it, being part of the nightly ritual, and painting it when I can.  There is something magical about the rising and setting sun, and the thankfulness of it all. Painting number 5116 in 5116 days. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Dodecanese Blvd


The Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs are so much fun for dining, shopping AND sketching!  We love having lunch at one of the Greek restaurants, and we have a few favorite shops to visit before I finally start to sketch.  While Mom is with Danny and Jacob, I pick the street where the sponge boats dock to sketch.  First, I sketch a boat I haven't seen here before and next I do the street scene.  I love adding these special places to my latest travel journal. Often, I wait until evening to write the day's events, but today I have time to do it all at once. What a treat this place is!  Now, I'm off to my favorite tea shop here!  Painting number 5115 in 5115 days. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Cypress of Brooker Creek

I love returning to the Brooker Creek Nature Preserve to paint! The rich color of the Florida wildwood and the nearly black water of the creek are so inspiring.  This year, I've returned for their two day plein air event, with the work hanging until April 28th. I wish I could be there for the Artist Reception and Awards but I will be painting in Augusta at that time. If only I could paint multiple places at the same time!  Painting number 5114 in 5114 days. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Sponge Boats

The Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs are a "must paint" for me whenever I'm in town!  It's a great place for dining, shopping and painting sponge boats!! 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Oldsmar Beach


I love the way those branches reach towards the water - just like I keep finding my way to the beach!  I think I'll go back into this one, and remove that far right palm trunk. I was so distracted by sudden gusting winds that I didn't edit that on the spot.  Perhaps I'll do it in my app before attacking it for real!  Painting number 5112 in 5112 days