Sunday, August 26, 2018

Mission Antique Mall 305

Browsing through an antique shop is like stepping back in time, and I could spend hours in such a place!  The experience is amplified when I am immersed with my ink and paints at my favorite booth!  With only months left open, the Mission Antique Mall will be closing, so I am capturing the magic while I still can. I use one of my Pendora artisan pens for the sketching, testing the ink lightly to see if it moves. The fine nib is a little hard on this handmade paper, so I lighten my pressure.  The ink is softer and grayer than my usual, so it is an experiment as I add watercolor to it!  It moves more with a wet brush than anticipated, so I'm careful not to work that pigment into the ink too much.  The pen handles well, and the beautiful barrel makes it a joy to use!  I like the sassy dressform on the left, as she is outfitted with a leather hat, red cowboy boots and a holster slung around her waist!  That holster just may be calling my name! Love it!  Painting number 2044 in 2044 days.

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