Tuesday, April 27, 2021

La Charette Farm

This place is simply amazing!  With many acres of woods, creeks, bluffs and farm land, it is hard to focus on one subject!  When I saw the old John Deer and hay wagon, I simply had to draw them in pen and ink - and rest them in their setting.  With such a detailed sketch, the actual line work took longer than normal.  I like to do those initial lines with a water resistant ink, coming back in with an ink I can move with a little water.  This particular paper is a handmade Shizen cotton paper, and one that is tricky for me to use.  This paper resists the ink a little before accepting it, making it harder to control.  With a little effort, I bent it to my way, and this drawing now hangs in the owner's home.  Painting number 3030 in 3030 days. 

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