Sunday, August 29, 2021

North Main Street

My dad used to tell me stories of this town, how his parents grew up here, met in high school and fell in love.  He used to walk these streets as a young boy, carrying coins to the bank with his Aunt Minnie - who his mother fondly called "Mouse" when they were growing up.  Could she possibly be the inspiration for another famous Minnie? They did go to school together.... several of the homes in town were built by his uncles.  Lynns, Slaughters, Gardners and Cupps all have their names in the history and businesses of Marceline, and it feels like home.  I only knew a few of these relatives, but their history lives on.  So, every year I return for the annual NOMO Plein Air Event, paying homage to a place that brought my grandparents together, and capture the beauty of my history.  Painting number 3147 in 3147 days. 

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