Thursday, March 10, 2022

Snow at the Milk Barn

Everyone was working from home today with our morning snowfall. I have always LOVED snow days, as they offer a complete departure from our everyday routine. I spent the morning baking bread, cutting veggies, making a salad and trying a new honey mustard dressing recipe - which is my favorite yet!  I waited for the warmest part of the day (when the snow had let up) to head outside and paint.  Hiking the perimeter first with my trusty companion, I noted the various spaces I wanted to paint.  This Milk Barn may well be my "Monet's Garden", as I return again and again to capture it's changing moods.  It is so peaceful out here, and only a bit of snow pelts against my hood.  I forgot my yoga mat to stand on today, so my feet are starting to get cold, even with my layers of socks!  As I finish, the snow starts falling more freely. I could not have timed this better!  Painting number 3354 in 3354 days. 

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