Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Michaela and Kirby

Tonight I return to my old friend graphite, to capture this moment forever.  Our newest grandbaby, Kirby, was born last night to Michaela and Cooper.  It is very special to share the birth of a grandchild with my daughters.  This is the second birth I've shared with Michaela, and everything about it will forever be engraved in my mind.  Life is so fragile, and such strength is required to bring that life into the world, it is truly a miracle.  I found myself reliving my own experiences in the moment, knowing exactly what she was going through, and so proud of her strength, control and focus.  The pain fades away, soon replaced by the joy brought to us by little Kirby, and this sweet moment will live on forever. It feels good to return to my first beloved medium at such a time.  Painting number 4313 in 4313 days. 

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